The 8th DORO OFF model exhibit was held on September 22-23 in its usual location in Asakusabashi, Tokyo.
As usual, the exhibit showcased primarily science fiction based models and dioramas by enthusiast builders. Yamato once again received considerable representation this year, second only to Star Wars. The showpiece of the exhibit, however, wasn’t anime related at all – a life-sized “breathing” mannequin with a Face-hugger from the movie Alien was quite possibly the most impressive original item on display, looking all the more realistic when organizers turned down the lights and pulled the curtains closed during set periods of the day.
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Gwyn Campbell
Project Manager, Macross fan, Podcast host, Anime nerd & sometime-gamer. Here in Akihabara we don't just 'like' Macross, we LIVE IT! 龍が我が敵を食らう!

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