Tamashii Nation 2017

The annual Tamashii Nation toy show will be held at the UDX building in Akihabara from Dec.1-3 (with Dec.1 being business day and Dec.2-3 being open to the public).
But who wants to wait until then? The power of Bandai’s VF-2SS drew intrepid SNN reporter Adrian Lozano to the scene for a sneak peak before opening. He managed to snap the following gallery.
Bandai also had a Chogokin YF-19 and 1/48is (unconfirmed) VF-1J on the show floor, however photography of these two items was unfortunately strictly prohibited. Keep an ear to the ground for his full impressions in our next podcast.

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Gwyn Campbell

Project Manager, Macross fan, Podcast host, Anime nerd & sometime-gamer. Here in Akihabara we don't just 'like' Macross, we LIVE IT! 龍が我が敵を食らう!

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