The Out-Cast: EP.23 – The Vita

What on earth is the Out-Cast?
Well, this was a series of podcasts I did back in 2010~2012 on videogames and videogame culture in Japan for an old website with a completely different crew.
I’m republishing them here on DecultureShock, but for anyone who is interested, the original website can be found here.

Welp, we’re late but here are our impressions of the Vita. We cover everything from the system itself to all the games we collectively played. Enjoy!

The Obtaining
The Hardware
The OS
The Games
* Little Deviants
* Touch My Katamari
* Hot Shots Golf
* Ridge Racer
* Army Corps of Hell
* Sumioni
* Gravity Rush
* Uncharted: Golden Abyss

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Gwyn Campbell

Project Manager, Macross fan, Podcast host, Anime nerd & sometime-gamer. Here in Akihabara we don't just 'like' Macross, we LIVE IT! 龍が我が敵を食らう!

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